Tue, 30 September 2014
Episode 007 – Working With Resin
On this show Greg is joined by Brandon Palmer of GMM Studios to talk about how to work with the beautiful resin toys that FW sends you. As a professional commission service Brandon has done his fair share and shares some of that experience. Please also check out his website (the links are below) and the wonderful work he has done including his Adepticon display armies which are outstanding.
This episode is possibly the most rambling one yet which is quite the statement but I hope you enjoy that relaxed feeling and please listen out for the competition
00:00:00 – 00:18:00 Intro, usual BL and FW chat plus a discussion point
00:18:00 – 00:59:50 Brandon shares some of his knowledge with us and various sidetracks
00:59:50 – 01:04:35 Close of the show and Competition announcement
If you enjoyed the show then please leave a positive review on Itunes.
You can contact the show via Greg@TheImperialTruth.com
You can follow us on Twitter:
Show – @Imperial_Truth
Greg – @ChildofFang
Brandon’s Twitter:
And don’t forget our facebook page:
Wed, 17 September 2014
Episode 006: Horus Heresy Reading Order
In this Episode Greg is joined by Marcus to answer a question they have both seen asked a number of times – ‘What book should I read next?’
The first part of the discussion covers the various mediums in which Heresy stories are released and possible pros and cons of these. The second part involves a run through of the first 30 books and creates a list of ‘must reads’ while discussing the merits of all the others as well. A list of the must reads can be found at the bottom of these show notes.
00:00:00 – 00:11:58 – Intro, BL and FW talk
00-11:58 – 00:36:07 – Part 1: The many and varied ways in which we can consume Heresy material.
00:36:07 – 01:21:09 – Part 2: The Horus Heresy Essential reading order.
01:21:09 – 01:26:30 – Show Wrap Up.
If you enjoyed the show then please leave a positive review on Itunes.
You can contact the show via Greg@TheImperialTruth.com
You can follow us on Twitter:
Show – @Imperial_Truth
Greg - @ChildofFang
And don’t forget our facebook page:
The’Essential’ Reading List:
Horus Rising (Book 1)
False Gods (Book 2)
Galaxy in Flames (Book 3)
Fulgrim (Book 5)
Thousand Sons (Book 12)
The First Heretic (Book 14)
Know No Fear (Book 19)
Fear To Tread (Book 21)
Angel Exterminatus (Book 23)
Betrayer (Book 24)
The Unremembered Empire (Book 27)
Vengeful Spirit (Book 29)