The Imperial Truth - The Horus Heresy 30K podcast

Episode 048 – Legions of Heresy

Finally the computer is up and running and only one episode missing. J

Greg has returned from the FW Open Day with all the news and Neil pitches in with some brief chat about the Golden Demon Winners day.

We also do our bit on the new Legion rules, there is plenty to talk about for sure All this as well as the usual chat and a few bits of information.


00:0:0:00 – 00:18:15– Intro, what we have been up to and our sponsors.

00:18:15 – 01:09:20–  The FW Open Day

01:09:20 – 02:05:40 – Legion Rules update

02:05:40 – 02:26:09 – Closing the show and a number of announcements


And don’t forget our sponsors – Make sure you tell them we sent you.

Lil’ Legend Studios –


Element Games.

Don’t forget you can use the codes for extra crystals, mine is GRE259

Head through the website and click on the advert banner to fully support the podcast


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Show – @Imperial_Truth

Greg – @ChildofFang

Neil - @NeilPaints


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Direct download: Episode_048_-_Legions_of_Heresy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:08pm EST