The Imperial Truth - The Horus Heresy 30K podcast

Episode 032 – 40K Open Day 2015  

Neil and Greg chat about their visit up to WHW for the 40K Open Day and all the news that came out of it plus Golden Demon and the big announcement for Plastic Heresy


00:00:00 – 00:12:15 – Intro to the show, a few bits of info including the shirts and even a bit of paint talk.

00:12:15– 00:58:11 – In the first part we mainly talk about the new models that were shown off or released plus a general view on the event

00:58:11 – 01:50:02 – Everything else at the event including Golden Demon and lots of the info from the seminars.

01:50:02 – 02:17:34 – Closing the show with all the usual info plus our discussion of the Betrayal at Calth release.



Aus30K – Kaska’Irilis page:


PACTs of Heresy:


And don’t forget our sponsors – Make sure you tell them we sent you.

Scatter shot painting.

Element Games.

Don’t forget you can use the codes for extra crystals, mine is GRE259


If you enjoyed the show then please leave a positive review on Itunes.

You can contact the show via


You can follow us on Twitter:

Show – @Imperial_Truth

Greg – @ChildofFang

Neil Hollis - @Neilpaints


Space Marine Paint page:


Also our facebook page:

And our facebook group

Direct download: Episode_032_-_40K_Open_Day_2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Episode 031 – Throne of Skulls         

Willard Foxton comes on to discuss all things Throne of Skulls and maybe changes opinions while he is at it.

All the usual news and things are there as well with Neil Hollis returning to the podcast before we all go up to the 40K open day to look at all the Heresy things and Golden Daemon Space Marines.


00:00:00 – 00:09:22– Introduction, sponsors Open day

00:09:22 – 00:38:56 – FW and BL news plus a little GW and Convention Secundus

00:38:56 – 01:35:06 – The Throne of Skulls run down and all the other info about the event plus the usual amount of interesting tangents

01:35:06 – 01:41:29 – Closing the show with a plug for an event and Tee- shirt info.



Aus30K – Kaska’Irilis page:


PACTs of Heresy:


And don’t forget our sponsors – Make sure you tell them we sent you.

Scatter shot painting.

Element Games.

Don’t forget you can use the codes for extra crystals, mine is GRE259


If you enjoyed the show then please leave a positive review on Itunes.

You can contact the show via


You can follow us on Twitter:

Show – @Imperial_Truth

Greg – @ChildofFang

Neil Hollis - @Neilpaints


Also our facebook page:

And our facebook group

Direct download: Episode_031_-_Throne_of_Skulls.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST