The Imperial Truth - The Horus Heresy 30K podcast


Episode 018 – Adepticon Heresy


I am joined by Zac Padget to discuss the Heresy events that took place at Adepticon and I also have Andrew Hollis on to discuss the upcoming Kaloran campaign day amongst other things. Oh, we have all the usual




00:00:00 – 00:09:10 – Introduction and some clarifications?


00:09:10 – 00:34:47 -  Zac joins me in our news discussion of the latest releases from FW and actual GW releases.


00:34:47 – 01:44:10 –  Zac recaps the Adepticon Heresy events, we talk a bit about Adepticon and various other stuff gets thrown in.


01:44:10 – 02:04:50 – Andrew Hollis comes back on as the Kaloran Campaign date approaches. We also discuss updates to the Aus30K heresy campaign page


02:04:50 – 02:12:22 – Closing the show.






The Adepticon Event rules can be found here:




You can reach Andrew on various 30K forums as Dono1979 or via


Aus30K website


Kaloran Crusade event page:


 Global Heresy Campaign:






And don’t forget our sponsor – Scatter shot painting.




If you enjoyed the show then please leave a positive review on Itunes.


You can contact the show via




You can follow us on Twitter:


Show – @Imperial_Truth


Greg – @ChildofFang




Also our facebook page:


Direct download: Episode_018_-_Adepticon_Heresy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:43pm EST


Episode 017 – Scattershot and the LVO


Chris Burch comes on the show to discuss Scattershot painting and what is in its future and Dylan Mosely comes on to discuss the Las Vegas Open that was put on a few weeks ago and to talk about the future of the event. This episode includes all the random chat you expect by now and the news plus the announcement of the Conquest competition.




00:00:00 – 00:03:15 – Intro


00:03:15 – 00:12:12 – News and competition announcement


00:12:12 – 00:41:55 -  Chris Burch comes on to talk about all things Scattershot including future plans and joint ventures


00:41:55 – 01:36:25 – Dylan Mosley discuss the recent Las Vegas Open and his plans for next years event.


01:36:25 – 01:40:40 – Show close










And don’t forget our sponsor – Scatter shot painting.




If you enjoyed the show then please leave a positive review on Itunes.


You can contact the show via




You can follow us on Twitter:


Show – @Imperial_Truth


Greg – @ChildofFang




Also our facebook page:


Direct download: Episode_017_-_Scattershot_and_the_LVO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:05pm EST


Episode 016 – Painting Plus


This episode I am joined by Neil Hollis, a Golden Daemon winner, to discuss painting your 30K and the basics of upgrading your models towards award level.


00:00:00 – 00:40:00 – Intro and the first part of our painting discussion, introducing Neil, his background and some of the basics he employs


00:40:00 – 01:28:05 -  Part 2 of our discussion including tools of the trade and places to visit to help inspire and educate


01:28:05 – 01:38:10 –  Show close including competition details




The Brush I mentioned in the show is a Daler Rowney Wash Brush for those who are interested.


Neil’s cool mini or not page :




And don’t forget our sponsor – Scatter shot painting.




If you enjoyed the show then please leave a positive review on Itunes.


You can contact the show via




You can follow us on Twitter:


Show – @Imperial_Truth


Greg – @ChildofFang




Also our facebook page:


And our facebook group


Direct download: Episode_016_-_Painting_Plus.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:59am EST