The Imperial Truth - The Horus Heresy 30K podcast

Episode 026 – Plastic, Deathwatch and Deathfre     


00:00:00 – 00:10:44– Introduction, sponsors and various other info

00:10:44 – 01:02:12 – News and an extended plastic talk

01:02:12 – 01:39:30 –   The guys from Rodeo games join me to chat everything Deathwatch

01:39:30 – 02:11:25 -  Marcus Pitt then takes the seat and we run through the latest HH novel – Deathfire. This is part 1 and there are spoilers galore.

02:11:25 – 02:44:37 – Deathfire part 2

02:44:37 – 02:56:26 – Closing the show, a quick Scorched Earth update and all the usual.


Scorched Earth event-

PACTs of Heresy:


And don’t forget our sponsors – Make sure you tell them we sent you.

Scatter shot painting.

Talented Lad Studios

Element Games.

Don’t forget you can use the codes for extra crystals, mine is GRE259


If you enjoyed the show then please leave a positive review on Itunes.

You can contact the show via


You can follow us on Twitter:

Show – @Imperial_Truth

Greg – @ChildofFang

Neil - @NeilPaints


Also our facebook page:

And our facebook group

Direct download: Episode_026_-_Plastic_Deathwatch_and_Deathfire.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:45pm EST

Episode 025 – Forge World Open Day         

Neil Hollis is once again in the guest host seat as he attended the FW Open Day and I certainly didn’t. We chat over the releases of the day, some of the info and rumours of stuff to come. Add on top of that the other news, usual show stuff and plenty of side tracks into a variety of subjects, even some Age of Sigmar???


00:00:00 – 00:11:35– Introduction, sponsors and various other info

00:11:35 – 00:28:38 – Dealing with all the news that isn’t the FW Open Day, including whether Age of Sigmar has potential for 30K

00:28:38 – 01:44:34 –   All the news and chat from Forge Words Open Day

01:44:34 – 02:00:03 – Social media stuff, Patreon, Itunes Shoutouts and a random ramble on presumptions.


Scorched Earth event-

PACTs of Heresy:


And don’t forget our sponsors – Make sure you tell them we sent you.

Scatter shot painting.

Talented Lad Studios

Element Games.

Don’t forget you can use the codes for extra crystals, mine is GRE259


If you enjoyed the show then please leave a positive review on Itunes.

You can contact the show via


You can follow us on Twitter:

Show – @Imperial_Truth

Greg – @ChildofFang

Neil - @NeilPaints


Also our facebook page:

And our facebook group

Direct download: Episode_025_-_Forge_World_Open_Day.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:59pm EST